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Conversion is the legal process of converting your current business entity into a different business entity, without having to register a new entity or dissolve your current one. Changing your Limited Liability Company (LLC) into a corporation is a typical example of conversion.

Before you start the process of conversion, you will need to check if your state allows it. There are states where conversion is not recognized, so to change your business structure, you would need to dissolve your current business first before you can register it as a different business entity.
If you need assistance with conversion your business contact BizStarter, we can help prepare all the required conversion paperwork on your company’s behalf.

Frequently asked questions about conversions

What do I do if my state does not recognize conversions?

If your business entity was registered in a state that does not recognize conversions, you will need to file a dissolution of your existing entity first, and then register a new company as a new business entity. BizStarter can help you with filing both dissolution and formation paperwork so that you could focus on your business other needs.

What are the tax consequences if my company files a conversion?

In general, changing one business entity into another one may have certain tax implications. Before you start the process of conversion we recommend consulting with an accountant, an attorney, etc. to learn about all pros and cons of conversion in your particular situation.

Can BizStarter help me file for a Conversion?

Yes, we can. BizStarter has been assisting business owners with applications for Conversion, Reinstatement, Certificate of Good Standing, Articles of Incorporation, Apostille and authentication services, and much more since 2016. We can file all the necessary paperwork on behalf of your business for a minimal processing fee. By trusting BizStarter with your business compliance paperwork you will save your money, time, and peace of mind. The standard processing time for the Conversion is 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the state your company is registered in. Expedited processing (1 to 2 weeks) is also available for an extra fee.